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Not all who wander are lost 

Poul Karlshoej (AKA PK) 

How to explain a little about myself....well in a nut shell I'm a country kid who grew up in northern California farming rice and ended up in Europe then Asia.  After graduating from Colorado State I decided to move to Denmark to improve my Danish, that went well...

After a year of working at a cold storage plan, playing American Football, and figuring out most of the Danish slang I moved to Norway which started what I call the Teekay Journey.  After living in Stavanger and Oslo for 3 years I took my many (or not so many) talents to Singapore.  Five years later it was time for a road trip.  


This trip is something that has been in the works for some time.  It is a few years later than expected (6yrs later to be exact...) but there is no time like the present right. As I began planning the trip I could see it was starting to slowly morf into more of a charity run rather than a joy ride.  South East Asia has given the Expat a lot, and I feel most of them would agree with that notion, so what's the harm in trying to give back where possible.   


When the idea of having some items to give away along the trip  was floated our friends Chuck and Angie Grimm were quick to dontate 500 toothbrushes to the cause.  Most of us brush our teeth twice a day, or atleast thats what we told mom and the dentist, but say in the hills of Cambodia, a simple toothbrush might not be as easy to come by.  We are always looking for other gifts to give away so if you have any ideas feel free to shoot them across.  








2003 - 2006 Colorado State University


Work Experience 

1995-2002 Rice Farmer


2007 - Drift Conroller and Semipro American Football player in Denmark


2008-2015 Freight Trader Singapore 



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