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Another day another Cambodia - Vietnam border.

So Vietnam is a tough nut to crack. Attempted to cross into Vietnam from the Bavet border today. Had a great plan set up with fake Cambodian license plates and other doctored paper work but they were on to us. For some reason they just wont let in a car from the US…strange no… (hope you understand I’m being sarcastic...)

Our wonderful Vietnamese family put forth a valiant effort with a band of current and former border agents/police but no dice. The day wasn’t lost though; it was a lovely drive down and got to see the Ho’s (Vietnamese Family not…). So plan now is to check with the Vietnamese embassy one more time in person and see what can be done. If that doesn’t work the plan is to cut weight and rent a dirt bike or possibly a Harley (tough to find) and drive in, or, fly to Hanoi or Ho Chi Min (Saigon) and rent the bikes there. We are looking at a dirt bike tours from the north to south or vice versa. Will know more about that tomorrow but today that’s the best I got.

The Bavet (or Moc Bai in Vietnam) is an interesting little place. Again loaded w


ith Casinos and even the Winn was there at one point. No I didn’t spell that wrong, the sign looks similar but spelled winn. Will put a picture up because I can already tell you don’t believe me. Anyway these casinos are apparently used for money laundering by neighboring countries. Locals aren’t allowed to gamble from what I’m told. Passed the “Manhattan special economic zone” as well, so what do you think that is…lots of shady stuff going on but still everyone is smiling.

Over blogging going to sleep.

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